Murder at Heatherstone Hall!

It's almost launch time for my latest YA mystery, and as always before publication, my palms start sweating and my heartbeat quickens and I have dreams of finding myself naked at Safeway in the produce aisle. Nerves! It's nerve-wracking to birth a book... but exhilarating, too. I hope you're all on board with transplanted American teen Juliana (from Blackthorn Winter) as she encounters her next murder in the English countryside... This would be a good time to reread Blackthorn Winter! The new novel, MURDER AT HEATHERSTONE HALL, is Juliana's second adventure, and completely stands alone... but it's still fun to read how Juliana and her family first come to England from California, and how she meets Duncan, and how she gets embroiled in danger. As for me, I'm going to be taking my two Border Collies for some extra long walks over the next week or two, to calm my nerves and get the creative juices flowing for the NEXT book!