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Trixie Belden--my favorite childhood sleuth

I just joined a fun group on Facebook--for fans of Trixie Belden! Trixie was my BFF from childhood, and I read those mysteries books over and over and over all through elementary school and middle school... and returned to them in high school and even college when I needed a Trix-Fix!

Many people from the Facebook group posted nice messages to welcome me as a new member, and one of them, Judith Sears, reminded me she’d interviewed my about my passion for Trixie years ago. Here’s the interview, and also a comprehensive article about the series, written by Judith. (there’s a brief quote from me on p. 4).

The Trixie books started being reprinted about ten years ago; I’m not sure if they’re still available. But ... GLEEPS! (as Trixie would say), how I wish I could write a new Trixie mystery. That’s always been a dream of mine. In fact, the first rejection I ever got (and it was a nice and personal one) came to me when I was about 12, and I wrote to the publisher (Whitman) to ask if I could be hired to write the next trixie Belden mystery. :-)

Here’s the link to to the interview:

And here’s a wonderful, comprehensive article about the series by fellow Trixie fan, Judith Sears. (I’m briefly quoted on p. 4)



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